November 3, 2019 Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 9.10am by Peter DeSouza at the St. Catharine’s Auction.
Executive Attendance
Position Name Absent/Present President Nancy Egelton (TCGG) Present
1st Vice President Peter DeSouza (HDAS) Present 2nd Vice President Ann Marie Towell (TCGG/BBC) Present (by telephone) Correspondence Secretary Cindy Golden (SCASS) Present Recording Secretary Murray Brown (TCGG) Present Treasurer Albert Van Montfort (HDAS/DRAS) Absent
Also in Attendance
Carolina Bergles Jeff & Leanne Mountjoy Dave Holland Rick Hodgins Catherine Salmon Phil Barrett Jay & Jenny Oliver Tom Mason (via telephone)
Minutes from Previous Meeting The October, 2019 Meeting Minutes will be sent by email and voted on at the next meeting.
Old Business
Banking – Murray is sorting out adding Peter as signing authority for CAOAC’s bank account while Albert is away.
Murray is sending Albert some cheques on Monday and Albert will sign them and return them to Murray and Murray will sign and issue when needed.
Carolina has recruited a professional opinion on the computer issue. We are getting the computer shortly.
Nancy sent an email to the Judging committee – being Brian Glazier, Haydn Pounder and Udo Rohman. Judging Rules need to be reviewed, a proposal ready to change the rules for the May Annual Meeting to be approved.
** if any changes are required to be made by CAOAC, a proposal must be made and it is voted on a the General Meeting. Proposals need to be submitted two months in advance **
Treasurer’s Report
Bank balances and reports will be presented, but not be publicized. Any member of CAOAC is welcome to inspect the financial records of CAOAC.
Albert will have care and control over the CAOAC laptop that we got from Ann Stevens.
There have been a number of requests to rehome goldfish to the latest one..a piranha from Stouffville..they have as far as I can tell been rehomed successfully.
Dave Holland will create a CAOAC-specific email address for the club representatives to send their reports for the Newsletter.
New Business - Convention
Website domain issue. Carolina is working out the logistics about transferring our domain to Wix. Working on confirming who is holding the registration of the domain for CAOAC.
Convention – all specialty clubs need to send Derek, Tom and Carolina their information of the theme of their shows. Reports on information how their show run.
Carolina – to meet with Tom and Derek to review ideas. Carolina to put together project/event plan to outline the showroom. Carolina will provide a report.
Tom wants to bring in the monster fish people. Not showing fish, due to room, but photographs as an educational component of the show.
Tom advises he is working diligently on the convention sorted. Registration packages are being drafted.
Club Reports
Will no longer be read at meetings to reduce duration.
If there is an important event, we will announce those at the meetings.
All club reports will be published in the Newsletter.
Meeting adjourned at 11:10am by Nancy.
Please send your club events to be included in the Newsletter and Website.
Who can attend the CAOAC meetings? Any member of an Aquarium Club can attend the General Meeting that follows the Executive Meeting. It usually starts around noon.
Why should you attend? To be part of the discussion that takes place between other clubs and items that are raised by the Executive. It’s a great way to share ideas and discuss issues you may be having.
If you are unable to attend and would like to join via skype, contact for instructions.
What is CAOAC?
We are often asked this question. CAOAC stands for the Canadian Association of Aquarium Clubs. We are a non-profit corporation and are complsoed of member aquarium, reptile and amphibian, pond & water garden, and similar clubs or societies from across Canada and Northeast United States. CAOAC was founded in 1959, and incorporated in 1963 to allow the clubs to work together for their common good and the good of the hobby.
Legislative issues, promotion of events, a judging system, national awards, assistance for new clubs, and liability insurance are just a few of the things on which clubs can work and benefit together.
What are the benefits of being a member?
National awards program to honour those in member clubs who have achieved success in breeding, plant propagation, or other endeavors related to the hobby.
National judging program to train and certify judges as well as set standards that all can use to judge their shows.
Third-party liability insurance program to protect club members in case of an unfortunate accident at one of their functions.
National forum to express views and opinions.
National voice to deal with legislation which may impact negatively on our hobby and to put forward constructive ideas to politicians and bureaucrats.
A change to become involved with people who share similar interests with yourself.
If you are interested in joining CAOAC as a club or as a private (non-voting) member, please contact our Membership Chair.
In person meetings are held periodically (except in July and August) to discuss issues of the day as well as future.