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Writer's pictureDave Holland

CAOAC Meeting Minutes - Sept 17, 2023

Annual General CAOAC Meeting

Date: Sept 17, 2023

Meeting Time: 8h00am

Venue: Monte Carlo Inn, Brampton; Hybrid Meeting (Zoom)

Topics: Welcome; Presiding Executive Introductions; President's Report & Acknowledgement of Late AGM; Treasurer's Presentation of Financial Summary; Review of Voting Rules & Proxies Received; Ratification Resolution; Election of 2023-2024 CAOAC Executive; General Business; Call for Input from Attendees/Constitutional Proposals; Adjournment.

Item 1: Presiding Executive Introductions

*President Nancy Egelton called the Annual General Meeting to order and introduced each of the presiding Executive officers of the 2022-2023 term:

● Nancy Egelton, President

● Peter DeSouza, 1st Vice-President

● Ann Marie Towell, 2nd Vice-President

● Dave Holland, Recording Secretary

● Albert van Montfort, Treasurer

● Cindy Barrett, Corresponding Secretary

● Michael Beat, Webmaster

All attendees were welcomed and thanked for attending the AGM via Zoom and in person. It is only with everyone’s participation that CAOAC becomes stronger as an organisation.

Item 2: President’s Report & Acknowledgement of the late AGM

  1. Nancy Egelton began by explaining the rationale for the delay in this AGM from May to September was to have the AGM occur at the same time as the CAOAC Convention to ensure widespread attendance of Clubs and have the Elections occur in concert with the wrap-up of the Convention. Normally the AGM is held in May. The Board recognises that the early start time of this AGM was not optimal for all time zones but was a necessary trade-off given the time constraints many of the attendees, including the Executive, had given their contributions in the ongoing PetExpo Convention.

  2. The structural format for the meeting was reviewed quickly for all attendees

Item 3: Treasurer’s Presentation of Financial Summary Reports

● Albert Van Montfort presented the current bank account balance, reviewed all costs and revenues for the year including the most recent Convention costs and revenues. CAOAC remains financially solvent after a successful PetExpo.

● As required by the Bylaws of CAOAC for the AGM, the financial books for the year were audited. The auditor this year was former CAOAC Treasurer, Brian Glazier of the Hamilton District & Area Aquarium Society. Brian Glazier signed a document indicating the financial position of CAOAC appears to be accurate and in proper order (please see attached Exhibit: Auditor’s Report).

● Members were given an opportunity to ask any questions about the Financial Statements or review any documents

Item 4: Voting Procedure/Ratification Resolution

● Voting Privileges were reviewed prior to the Ratification Resolution Vote, specifically:

➔ Clubs with 2 to 30 paid members are entitled to 1 vote

➔ Clubs with 31 to 60 paid members are entitled to 2 votes

➔ Clubs with 60 plus members are entitled to 3 votes

● No one person can cast more than one vote

Proxies Received in Advance of the AGM:

● Udo Roman representing BRASS; Authorised by Jeff Mountjoy

● Ed Plesko representing LAS; Authorised by Rick Hodges

● Sherry Archer representing LAS; Authorised by Rick Hodges

Ratification Resolution Defined:

A motion was made for the meeting to approve all of the actions taken by the Executive & Board for the CAOAC during the last year. The motion was read aloud by Dave Holland and a vote was taken of all attendees.

Motion: Be it resolved that I ratify and affirm each and every action undertaken by the Executive and Board on behalf of CAOAC for the term 2022-2023. This also extends to the Financial Reports presented, all CAOAC communications online, the Facebook page, emailings, and the website ( which was linked and distributed with the Agenda to the membership in advance of this AGM meeting date. Please vote YES/NO/ABSTAIN now.

The Ratification Resolution was passed unanimously by all AGM attendees.

Item 5: Election of 2023-2024 CAOAC Executive

Nominations for all CAOAC Executive positions were circulated to all clubs in June of 2023. It was announced that current President Nancy Egelton and 1st Vice-President Peter DeSouza would not be sitting for re-election this September. Ann Marie Towell, 2nd Vice-President, Albert van Montfort, Treasurer, Dave Holland, Recording Secretary, Cindy Barrett, Corresponding Secretary and Micheal Beat, Webmaster all are sitting for re-election. Frank Aguirre (PRAC) submitted a nomination to be the next president of CAOAC in early August before nominations closed.

The Executive called for nominations at the AGM for the position of First Vice-President. Ernest Biktimirow (SCASS) submitted his nomination to run for this position and it was accepted.

Both Frank Aguirre and Ernest Biktimirov gave a brief introduction about their background and their interest in running for these positions during the meeting.

The election was held and the 2023-2024 CAOAC election results were as follows:

Frank Aguirre (PRAC) President

Ernest Biktimirow (SCASS) 1st Vice President

Ann Marie Towell (CAS) 2nd Vice President

Dave Holland (PRAC) Recording Secretary

Albert van Montfort (DRAS) Treasurer

Cindy Barrett (SCASS) Corresponding Secretary

Michael Beat (PRAC) Webmaster

The officers of the 2023-2024 CAOAC Executive each signed the CAOAC Harassment Policy and received a copy of it. This is evidenced on

Item 6: General Business

● Nancy Egelton extended her thanks to all of the Executive of the past year, and to all of those who worked to help make the PetExpo Convention a success this year. Special thanks went to Convention Manager, Carla MacDonald, CAOAC Show Chair, Catherine Salmon and Frank Aguirre of the Biotope Competition. The volunteers who came to help run desks, assist with setup/breakdown and welcome guests were invaluable.

● We reflected back on some past accomplishments during the last year and during the emergency phase of the pandemic:

➔ CAOAC adopted a new updated, distinctive, simpler, bilingual logo (creative assistance by Patricia Ann Lewis-MacDougall, HDAS)

➔ The Canadian Association of Aquarium Clubs (CAOAC) adopted an official French title “Le Réseau des sociétés d’aquariophilie du Canada (RSAC)” (translation by Dave Holland, PRAC)

➔ 5 amendments to the Bylaws were passed and approved to be more inclusive nationally specifically: to hybridise meetings such that meetings will always be accessible by telephone if not by videoconferencing; to publicise any interim vacancies occurring on the Executive nationally to incorporate clubs far and wide; the position of Webmaster was created and made an Executive position; Voting was changed to ensure voting rights are proportional to the size of the membership and a process was put into place for members wishing to propose changes to Bylaws.

All clubs were reminded of the importance of having a CAOAC representative who can attend the General CAOAC meetings and act as a liaison between the CAOAC Board and the Club Executives for the term 2023-2024

Item 7: Open to Member Suggestions/Questions/Constitutional Proposals

Albert van Montfort, Treasurer, proposed that CAOAC consider an initiative to have a draw to encourage member clubs to submit their membership dues and insurance fees owing (if applicable) on time.

Dave Holland suggested this type of incentive could also be linked to clubs appointing a CAOAC representative and fish rescue representative with corresponding email contacts. There was quite a bit of interest in this initiative and it was decided this would be considered closely by the next administration.

CAOAC thanked both retiring officers, Nancy Egelton and Peter DeSouza, for their years of volunteerism and work helping to keep CAOAC a successful organisation.

Item 8: Adjournment

Nancy Egelton adjourned the meeting at 10h00am.

Attendees: Nancy Egelton (President CAOAC, TCGG); Peter DeSouza (First Vice President CAOAC); Cindy Golden (Corresponding Secretary, CAOAC); Dave Holland (Recording Secretary, CAOAC); Albert van Montfort (Treasurer, CAOAC); Phil Barratt (SCAAS CAOAC rep); Carla MacDonald (Convention Manager, HDAS CAOAC Rep); Derek Hebbes (DRAS CAOAC Rep); Mike Majer (HDAS); Michael Beat (Webmaster, CAOAC; PRAC); Catherine Salmon (BBC CAOAC Rep); Ken Boorman (CKAS; ANGFA N.A.; CAOAC Convention Show Person); Lisa Boorman (CKAS; CAOAC Facebook Page); Ernest Biktimirov (SCAAS); Frank Aguirre (PRAC); Udo Roman (BRASS); Ed Plesko (LAS); Sherry Archer (LAS); Errol Choo (OVAS, President); Jody McManus (OVAS); Liam Epp (OVAS)

Apologies: Ann Marie Towell (2nd vice-president, CAOAC CAS); unrepresented clubs


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