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Rules for the 2023 CAOAC Tropical Fish Show held Sept 16-17, 2023

Download in PDF or read below.

1/ There will be no entre fee, for fish entered in the convention.

2/ Provisions will be made for the well being of fish; however, CAOAC accepts no responsibility for losses or damage sustained during the show.

3/ All entries will be under the jurisdiction of the Show Chair until tear down and may not be removed from the show until conclusion, on Sunday 17th, unless authorized by the Show Chair.

4/ Entrants will provide their own tank and water. Air will be provided by the Show Chair, via an air system. Entries must provide their own airline and air stone for access to the system. No open airlines allowed.

5/ Entrants using tanks 20 gals or larger must contact the Show Chair before the show and provide their own stands. Power filters maybe used however must be removed before judging.

6/ Tanks must have a cover that can be removed for judging. Tank must have at least one flat side.

7/ Anyone is eligible to enter. You need not be a member of a CAOAC fish club.

8/ No entry maybe entered in more then one class.

9/ Fish which display any disease or deformity will be disqualified.

10/ The show will be judged by CAOAC certified judges and appointed guest judges. Guest judges will be over seen by the appointed CAOAC judges.

11/ The judge’s decisions will be final and not subject to appeal at the show. If in their opinion the entries in a class do not come up to show standards, a non-contest may be called. If there are only two entries that are satisfactory then any combination of 1st, 2nd and 3rd maybe awarded.

12/ In any case of dispute the Show Chairperson’s decision will be final and binding.

13/ No snails, ornaments, sand, plants. or stones etc., maybe present in a tank.

(excepting invertebrate class, plant class and Novelty class)

14/ It is the responsibility of the entrances to make sure their fish are in the correct class. The Show Chair will help upon request.

15/ No aerosol sprays or mist type cleaners will be permitted in the show area.

16/ All accessories and equipment (i.e. pails, nets, etc.) must be kept out of sight.

17/ All show fish to be auctioned after the show must be labelled as such by the owner and registered prior to the show. It is also the responsibility of the owner to bag the fish for auction.

18/ No coloured water will be allowed.

19/ No moving other people’s tanks without the approval of the Show Chair first.

20/ Junior class are any variety of fish, owned and kept by someone 16 years of age and younger.

21/ Photography/ prints must not be larger then 8 ½” x 11” and must have been taken by the entrant within the past 12 months. Arts and Crafts entries must have been made by the entrant within the past 12 months.

22/ People’s Choice will be decided by the votes of those attending the show. Each person entering the Show room will be asked to fill out a ballot with their favourite fish.

23/ Registration will open at 2:00 pm on Friday, Sept 15th. All Fish must be registered by 9:00pm Friday. All entries must be benched by 9:00am Sat. Pre-registration is recommended.

24/ Pre-Registration will be welcome and accepted at anytime up to Thursday Sept15th at 10:00pm. After this time registration will be at the show. Changes to the pre-registration list maybe done at the show setup on the Friday.

Pre-registration forms may be e-mailed to the Show Chair at

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me, Catherine Salmon,


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