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CAOAC Meeting Minutes - Jan 8, 2024

Executive CAOAC Meeting

Date: Monday,  January 8, 2024

Meeting Time: 7h00pm (EDT); Zoom

Topics: Problems with Regina Club (low membership); Membership & Draw Update; CAOAC Convention 2024 Ideas & Alternatives; Agenda for General Meeting

Item 1: Problems with Regina Club  

The Regina Club treasurer indicated to CAOAC that the club only has 6 members as of this date and is unable to pay for CAOAC Membership or any kind of insurance this year.  CAOAC would like to assist this club perhaps by offering a free membership in CAOAC without voting rights in order to keep them in the network.  We also wish to call upon all member clubs for input on how to resuscitate clubs with dwindling membership such as Regina.  CAOAC can assist with the promotion of their meetings/events if we are aware of them and potentially with their website.

The Executive agreed to having Albert van Montfort reach out to the Treasurer of the Regina Club to encourage the treasurer to attend the next General Meeting and also to find a time when the CAOAC Executive could meet one on one with the Executive of that Club to explore ways to help.

Item 2: Membership & Draw Update

Most clubs have responded to the Membership by this date. 19 clubs were contacted.  The ASE has not yet responded and the Regina Club will not be included in the Membership draw as it is not able to join this year for financial reasons. This leaves 17 clubs in the draw.

Dave Holland will conduct the draw at the next General Meeting, Jan. 15/24 at 7h30pm to determine the winning club using the Wheel of Names program online which will be broadcast to all via Share Screen on Zoom.

The Membership form requested the designation of a club fish rescue agent alongside the CAOAC Representative. Some clubs expressed confusion, believing that this individual would be responsible for the actual rescue and custody of the fish. In reality, the fish rescue agent serves as a contact who can identify regional resources both within and outside the club to facilitate actual rescues. This position is being established at the club level for the first time, but the misunderstanding necessitates further clarification to ensure clubs fully understand the scope and responsibilities of the role. Some clubs simply designated “Executive” as their fish rescue agent, highlighting the need for specificity; next year, at least one individual should be explicitly named with contact particulars.

Additionally, some club executives provided a range of paid members (75 to 100) rather than a specific number on the CAOAC membership forms. This presents challenges for insurance purposes, and it is essential to follow up to obtain an exact count. This requirement will also need to be clarified for the following year.

Item 3: Caoac Convention 2024 Ideas & Alternatives

Frank Aguirre would make another pitch to clubs to host a simpler 2024 Convention even if it meant that clubs would work together to accomplish it - specifically clubs in close proximity to one another to maximize volunteers.   Frank wanted to ensure that Clubs did not see the idea of holding a small convention for a weekend as an insurmountable task that would require a lot of training and finances in order to be successful. It is possible to have Canadian speakers participate in an event like this similar to the very esteemed Curator of Fishes at the ROM who spoke to the Peel Regional Aquarium Club in the month of December 2023.  This scientist was most certainly at the calibre of a Convention speaker.

If no clubs are able or willing to help host the Convention, it is possible that CAOAC may hold some kind of event on the same weekend as PetExpo which would feature our own speaker, a small auction of 2 or 3 hours and a dinner.  This would be to compliment the exhibition at PetExpo.

Item 4: Bylaws

It was suggested that all clubs establish their own Bylaws, if they do not already have them, and include provisions for their periodic review and updating. Additionally, might advise clubs to consider the inclusion of various provisions in their Bylaws.  This will be a work in progress developing.  One such provision under discussion is suggesting that individuals working in the aquarium industry disclose their affiliations if they choose to run for Executive positions within any aquarium society, ensuring full transparency.

Item 5: Creation of an Agenda for the General Meeting

  1. Financial Update

  2. Incentive Draw for Membership (Wheel of Names)

  3. CAOAC Convention 2024 ideas

  4. Ideas from Clubs on How to Help Clubs with Dwindling Membership

  5. Other Business

Attendees: Frank Aguirre (President CAOAC, PRAC); Ernest Biktimirov (First Vice President CAOAC, SCAAS); Albert van Montfort (CAOAC Treasurer; DRAS); Michael Beat, (Webmaster, PRAC; arrived during Item 3);  Dave Holland (Recording Secretary, CAOAC; PRAC; arrived during Item 3);  Quorum Achieved

Apologies: Ann Marie Towell (2nd vice-president, CAOAC; CAS); Cindy Barrett (Corresponding Secretary, CAOAC);


Frank Aguirre adjourned the Executive meeting at 8h40pm.


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