Topics: Previous Minutes Accepted; Club Business; New CAOAC Logo; CAOAC Convention Developments; Revenue-Generating Avenues; CAOAC Executive Succession Plan; Announcement of Next General Meeting
Item 1: Club Business
Sarnia Aquarium Society Auction April 22 (Sarnia Christian School, 1273 Exmouth St; doors open at 9:30, auction starts at 11 am)
Annie Girard announced the Montréal auction April 30th
BRASS reports 37 Club members
OVAS will have its final meeting and elect new Executives May 29.
Please inform us of events or happenings at your club at CAOAC meetings or email
Item 2: Treasurer Update
Albert van Montfort updated the CAOAC bank balance
Item 3: Presentation of New CAOAC Logo
An updated version of the Caoac logo was designed chiefly by Patricia Ann Lewis-MacDougall (HDAS), with oversight from Nancy Egelton. Digitizing was completed by the Chatham OML. The new distinctive, simpler logo was presented and all meeting attendees were pleased. To reflect the national identity of CAOAC, the logo is now bilingual with the adoption of the French translation of "CAOAC" proposed first in 2019 by Dave Holland (BSL Laurentian Univ; School of Translators & Interpreters; PRAC). Translation: Le Réseau des sociétés d'aquariophilie du Canada (RSAC)
This logo will be featured prominently in all subsequent promotional materials for Pet-Expo and the CAOAC Convention.
T-shirts with the logo are under consideration.
Item 4: CAOAC CONVENTION Convention News
Carla MacDonald, Convention Committee General Manager updates:
Computer links to reserve hotel rooms and purchase tickets will soon be up on the caoac website in May (Hotel is $135 per suite including breakfast; hotel parking has been secured);
Call for Volunteers- construction crews are needed at Pet Expo for various tasks including setting up tanks. September 15th will be Construction Day 8am to 6pm (black curtains for the tables will be supplied)
Fish must be in place by Friday at 6pm
CAOAC Clubs are encouraged to set up host tables. Bring a banner for your club, business cards, membership forms, appoint some Goodwill Ambassadors to talk about your Club. You can set up a tank but must supply your own stand, air will be supplied. These tanks must be filled with water before the room is open to the public.
Volunteers Needed for Security: there will be barricades, ropes in place, but people are needed to help watch over the tanks
Bagstuffers are needed for exhibitors
Other Topics:
There will be a hospitality room at the hotel
Ray Lucas Best in Show Memorial Trophy
Item 5: Revenue-Generating Avenues
The Executive expressed interest in exploring more revenue-generating avenues for CAOAC
Item 6: Creation of CAOAC Executive Succession Plan
Dave Holland, Recording Secretary, suggested a succession plan should be put in place for the Executive roles and made a plan to contact all existing CAOAC Executives to confirm whether or not they would be sitting for re-election in September and for what positions
Dave Holland also learned that in order for Zoom to auto-interpret the meetings into French, the host must change the caption language to French
A subsequent General CAOAC meeting has been set for May 17 at 7:30 pm to further Convention planning. All Executive will be reminded and invited again via email with the Zoom link.
Adjournment: Nancy Egelton concluded the meeting at approximately 8:52 PM